Mogavero Orthodontics Virtual Smile Appointments
During our mandated COVID-19 closure, we are working on ways to stay connected and support our patients who are in active orthodontic treatment as well as those who are looking to start orthodontic treatment. We are proud to provide “Virtual Smile Appointments” for both existing and new patients! Please follow the instructions below.
Get started:
1. Take The Photos You Feel Are Appropriate
Using the following examples, use a spoons or fingers (to retract your lips and cheeks) your mobile phone and a helper (mom, dad, friend) , take apropriate photos as shown below:

2. Text the following information in one text to us at: 949-373-3777
- Photos
- Patient Name (and parent name if applicable)
- Email (must be included!)
- A description of your concerns
Tips for having great photos:
- Have a friend take the photos for you.
- Make sure your flash is on.
- Try to capture just your mouth/teeth if possible.
- Relax your lips – don’t make them tense!
- IMPORTANT: keep your teeth together while taking the photos and make sure to bite on your back teeth.
Our team and Dr. Mogavero will then review your photos and arrange for your virtual consultation.