Mogavero Orthodontics Instructions for Patients
1. Invisalign
- Continue to wear and change your aligners as prescribed.
- If you have run out of aligners, do NOT stop wearing them.
- Once you have finished all of your aligners, wear your last pair for a minimum of 12 hours until you see us next.
- If you have an questions set up a virtual appointment with us
- Continue elastics as prescribed. If you run out, let us know and we can mail you more.
- Brush your teeth and keep your mouth clean.

2. Braces
- Continue elastics as prescribed. If you run out, let us know and we can mail you more.
- If you have a poky wire, see if you can trim it using cuticle scissors or a nail clipper. Use wax for temporary relief.
- If you have a bracket that breaks, it is OK! We will fix it at your next appointment.
- Avoid sticky and chewy foods.
- Brush your teeth, use floss threaders, and keep your mouth clean!
4. Expander
- Continue to do your turns as prescribed.
- Once you have done your turns, please schedule a Virtual Appointment so that we can advise you of the next steps.
- Brush your teeth and keep your mouth clean.

5. Retainers
- Keep wearing them as prescribed!
- If you lose or break your retainer let us know – with scanning and 3D printing technology we can print your last retainer and mail it to you!
- If you have any questions, please schedule a Virtual Appointment so that we can advise you of the next steps.